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FCCP Fundraiser at MOD Pizza

Join us Wednesday, July 17 ALL DAY for a fundraiser at MOD Pizza in Chambersburg when 25% of fundraiser sales will be donated to FCCP.

Support our cause and enjoy a day of pizza and no cooking! Franklin County Coalition for Progress will receive 25% of sales from purchases made a the MOD Pizza in Chambersburg, 917 Norland Ave., throughout the day by those participating in our fundraiser.

To participate in the fundraiser, on July 17 you can:

  1. Order online using the code MODGIVES25

  2. Visit the Chambersburg MOD Pizza location and show the fundraiser flyer or mention the fundraiser at checkout.

Save the date and find all the details at

IMPORTANT! Online orders must be made through MOD Pizza using the online code to count toward the fundraiser. Orders made through 3rd party apps, such as DoorDash or UberEats, will not be eligible for the fundraiser.

Learn more about FCCP, our programs, and our mission at

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