Franklin Votes
Thomas Jefferson famously said that an informed electorate is a prerequisite for Democracy. As American citizens, we each have the right to vote for our legislators and be active participants in our democratic process. We can help shape the community we live in by supporting the ideas we believe in and would like to see implemented. When we have an informed electorate, we have the power to create a government that best represents the people and works for the majority of the electorate.
We believe, like Thomas Jefferson, that voter education is a basic need in our community. As such, it is a priority for our organization. Not only are we concerned with people turning out to vote, but also having basic information about the structure of our government, elections, and the voting process. Everyone in the community should have their voices heard by their representatives...that starts with voting.
Franklin Votes launched in 2022 to help fill the gap in access to localized education about elections and voting.
Franklin Votes is a nonpartisan initiative driven by volunteers to spread awareness of voter information and resources. Our aim is to increase voter turnout in Franklin County, Pennsylvania.
Franklin Votes activities provide easy-to-use voter resources and promote voter education both online and in person, including:
Website, franklinvotes.org, providing digital resources for voting
It is the only source to find comprehensive candidate information for local elections!​
Outreach at community events and festivals providing voter resources
Distribution of printed voter information materials through local libraries, post offices, businesses, organizations, events, and more
Hosting and presenting at meetings, in classrooms, and at events across the community about civic participation
Social media campaigns surrounding the elections answering voter FAQs and promoting resources
Strategic partnerships with local and statewide organizations to aid in increasing voter participation
​Voter Resources Toolkit for Organizations to help nonprofits increase civic engagement​
Targeted outreach to provide historically underrepresented groups (low-income households, minorities, and youth age 18-24) with voter information and to encourage civic participation​
Advertising through platforms that reach wide audiences, such as billboards and radio (as funds allow)​
Encouraging civic participation by providing nonpartisan information and resources about running for office, specifically focused on local elected official positions (boroughs, townships, and school boards)
Find more information and view the extensive voter resources at
Franklin Votes is strictly nonpartisan. As such, we do not endorse any parties or candidates.